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 There is NOTHING I enjoy more than a robust and intelligent debate on The Interweb, particularly that new-fangled Facebook socialist media thing! My 'go-to' forum is the Beccles Community Page, where fellow members of MENSA express well informed and erudite concerns regarding others. Take this week for example........ One of the chaps who has a junior management role in the supermarket that made Britain great again, Piled it high-Sold it cheap, took on the Sainsbury Dynasty, kept Prunella Scales in work, and made everything that was little, 'helpful'. He took to the keyboard and bally well said what EVERYONE ELSE was thinking! Hurrah! I paraphrase, but he basically asked why WE - the reluctant taxpayers - should pay for terminally ill or disabled people to have electric cars? And he's damn well right! Aren't PIP payments and mobility scooters enough for these people? Whatever next? Private health insurance??? As he correctly pointed out - these feckless, work-
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 Apologies for the lack of posts! Me and the good lady wife have been tending to the weeds at our 3rd home in the Dordogne, and you know what the Frenchies are like now that they've got to work a few more bally years! (If we're honest, we're thinking of moving back to Aldeburgh for the summer. Too many bureaucrats in Johnny Europe, and the pound's bounced back now we've debunked the Covid Myth). Anyway......... Local Elections. Massive pain in the arse, but until England gets independence, we're stuck with all this petty bourgeois mithering. As this article shows (it's ok - it's from Archant - the Daily Mail of the Far East) The Conservative Party are the party for the following things: PHOTO ID  - We won't have any Johnny Foreigner, or the feckless hippies that pick strawberries on my farm, voting. They get a winter fuel allowance.
WHERE ARE WE? ROCKBOTTOM. When Lynsey De Paul & Mike Moran sang ‘Rockbottom’ in 1977’s Eurovision, little did they know that Thatcher was about to become Queen of the Britons, the utilities & unions were about to take a hefty kicking, and our 5 year dalliance with our continent’s Felicite’ and Bonheur were about to be questioned for the first time. And NOT JUST for the first time! The Specials were still 4 years away from confirming that our towns were in fact ‘Ghostly’, and that all the clubs & pubs had been closed down. And what did we do? We didn’t wallow in the fact that it was Ally’s Tartan Army that headed to The Argentine, and that Trevor Francis & Kevin Keegan were well past their ‘ Use-By Date’ (yet another unwanted ‘regulation’ from those fascists in Brussels). We didn’t storm out of the Song For Europe campaign in an open top bus, promising to shore-up the NHS with gazillions of cash. We didn’t take those South American World Cup Winners on, before we’d had


There at it again! There now cancelling Xmas, and quite probably there going to cancel Miss Beccles Beauty Carnival as well. No lights, no Beach FM, no fun more like!? It disgusts me. This is exactly why I won't vote. Elections are rigged in favour of the Green Party and there Terradactyl recycling guff. If we wanted Richard Attleborough on our town council wee'd of built a skatepark where Lidl's is, and made Tim Westwood Way a cycle-path. Bloody do-gooding pinkos! Giving us clean air, and safe spaces for our kids, whilst the bookies, vape-sellers & Greggs are cast out into retail ignominy! There just a bunch of bicycle-riding, communist buzz-kills. And by moving the Antiques Fair to the Quay there probably gonna force us all to eat healthy Cafe 51 food, and work out at The Space? There agenda is one of community development, and progressive town planning rather than one of boosting That Economy. How are the 3 Best Independent Retailers supposed to survive there obnoxio


And whilst we're at it, HOW DO WE KNOW that the everyday road closures for water-mains, gas-leaks, RTA's, or sewers isn't just a Soviet Conspiracy to put ALL of our independent retailers out of business? Worth thinking about? Definitely worth shouting about on Facebook............. "Vorsprung Durch Technik" (We Shall Overcome).


It is time we, as a people, reclaimed the roads. It is time we took to our medieval streets, and placed them firmly in the 21st Century! For too long the tree-huggers & apparatchiks on the council have greedily overtaken our green & pleasant land, with their Austerity Demos, and their Climate Change nonsense! We don't need rainbow flags on our Town Hall! We need car-parking spaces! FREE car-parking spaces! Outside our estate agents, and our local Dominos Pizza restaurant. My grandchildren didn't fight a war against Churchill so that the pinkos in power could destroy the very fabric of society! We live in a democracy! Where EVERYONE's voice is heard, and we strive to maintain the same MP for a thousand years. If my children want dropping off outside Greggs or Prezzos, WHO ARE THEY to tell us otherwise? We're supposed to be fighting obesity, not encouraging our loin-fruit to sit at home, wondering if they'll ever go outside in the car ever again?? These cou


Our Great 5th-In-Command. If Grant Shapps wants to take the bally family on vacation (at the correct School Summer Holidaying juncture may I add?), then who are we to stop him? Having endured the ludicrous Stop/Start shenanigans concerning HS2, the vilification of the Have-A-Go Heroes at Canning Town, who so bravely rescued us from a lifetime of p uritannical hell under the yoke of Extinction Rebellion , and finally a bunch of Town Council tree-huggers hellbent on destroying the beautiful vistas of Hertfordshire, and severely reducing house-prices in the Welwyn/Knebworth Golf Course Triangle , I think it’s only ruddy fair that the Shapps Family Jet2 off to a facemask-free country for a well-deserved rest. I can’t understand why he’d holiday in the mucky pinko EU , but an MP’s salary probably doesn’t allow for a month in Florida with several boarding school brats. I much prefer spending my PIP on a golfing holiday for two. My wife spends hers on Ocado. And now all of the mort