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There at it again!
There now cancelling Xmas, and quite probably there going to cancel Miss Beccles Beauty Carnival as well.
No lights, no Beach FM, no fun more like!?
It disgusts me.
This is exactly why I won't vote.
Elections are rigged in favour of the Green Party and there Terradactyl recycling guff.
If we wanted Richard Attleborough on our town council wee'd of built a skatepark where Lidl's is, and made Tim Westwood Way a cycle-path.

Bloody do-gooding pinkos!
Giving us clean air, and safe spaces for our kids, whilst the bookies, vape-sellers & Greggs are cast out into retail ignominy!
There just a bunch of bicycle-riding, communist buzz-kills.

And by moving the Antiques Fair to the Quay there probably gonna force us all to eat healthy Cafe 51 food, and work out at The Space?
There agenda is one of community development, and progressive town planning rather than one of boosting That Economy.
How are the 3 Best Independent Retailers supposed to survive there obnoxious plans if people are expected to walk from there cars?
People who vape need to park outside the shop!
Green Party Activists ruining the economy.

Their will be a run on Blue Badges at the Job Centre when they bring back the Poll Tax.
It's an inside job that will see us all outside absorbing Vitamin D, when we should be terrorising pedos, and setting off fireworks in there stupid 20mph zones.

I am moving.
(As soon as there traffic barriers are down).
To somewhere better like Blackburn or Leicester.
None of them give back-handers & parking spaces to private corporations like the Lido and the Church.
There behind The Economy, flicking a V at Corbyn19, and bringing justice to the social warriors of phone-scroll hysteria.
And they've got THREE Wetherspoons!

If the Waveney Valley needed climate-changing, why do Bungay & Halesworth even exist?
We should take to the streets, cut down the trees, knock over bins, and chant are anthem:
"Make Beales A Multi-Storey & Make McWrong Trousers President of Beccles!" 
An artist's impression of our proposed rally.

We're expecting thousands of supporters (including a well-tanned Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) on Thursday, outside the 9th Best greeting card shop in East Suffolk.

We'll only protest for 60minutes.
Apparently you can't catch Coronavirus with the One Hour Rule? 
(And their will be queues building outside our retail empires anyway).

Facemasks optional, but you'll look like a dick.


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