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Showing posts from April, 2023


 There is NOTHING I enjoy more than a robust and intelligent debate on The Interweb, particularly that new-fangled Facebook socialist media thing! My 'go-to' forum is the Beccles Community Page, where fellow members of MENSA express well informed and erudite concerns regarding others. Take this week for example........ One of the chaps who has a junior management role in the supermarket that made Britain great again, Piled it high-Sold it cheap, took on the Sainsbury Dynasty, kept Prunella Scales in work, and made everything that was little, 'helpful'. He took to the keyboard and bally well said what EVERYONE ELSE was thinking! Hurrah! I paraphrase, but he basically asked why WE - the reluctant taxpayers - should pay for terminally ill or disabled people to have electric cars? And he's damn well right! Aren't PIP payments and mobility scooters enough for these people? Whatever next? Private health insurance??? As he correctly pointed out - these feckless, work-


 Apologies for the lack of posts! Me and the good lady wife have been tending to the weeds at our 3rd home in the Dordogne, and you know what the Frenchies are like now that they've got to work a few more bally years! (If we're honest, we're thinking of moving back to Aldeburgh for the summer. Too many bureaucrats in Johnny Europe, and the pound's bounced back now we've debunked the Covid Myth). Anyway......... Local Elections. Massive pain in the arse, but until England gets independence, we're stuck with all this petty bourgeois mithering. As this article shows (it's ok - it's from Archant - the Daily Mail of the Far East) The Conservative Party are the party for the following things: PHOTO ID  - We won't have any Johnny Foreigner, or the feckless hippies that pick strawberries on my farm, voting. They get a winter fuel allowance.